Gohan!!!!! he was my first anime crush ever!! when i immigrated to canada at 8 I fell in love w this show and him XDD Dragonball and Gohan specifically probably prompted my drawing so i guess I owe them this tribute ^-^ It will be a print for Anime Expo this coming friday!! yikes!
Okay so the past few days have been crazy as heck, I had to get last minute stuff together and fly over to Cali! I arrived yesterday and I’m still feeling jet-lagged and exhausted from the commute >.< I finished Gohan just before leaving, and I’m sorry to say I can’t bring myself to do Bolin or anything else for AX (i know forever alone Bolin haha ><) but I will do a Bolin poster for sursies when I get back home I also have Otakuthon and Fanexpo to attend to so ^-^!!
ALSO, wow guys I did not notice the proportional issues in Mako!! I guess when ur looking at a picture for too long n struggling to get it done things kinda get past you and you lose sight of the “whole picture”, which probably happened in this case. Well I appreciate u guyses opinions cuz it helps me realize things I don’t quite see myself >_<!! so good work on that! Hopefully we wont have a problem like in the future >.<!!
I appreciate everyone who comments and thank you for the critiques I haven’t had a chance to read them yet but I’ll get back to you guys after the convention’s over!! thank you for your support !! hope to see you guys coming at at Anime Expo!!! so nervous and excited!!!
Original Author: kimchii